Rachel Hodgens

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It’s time to re-member
the wisdom of the earth,
the rhythm of the moon,
and voice of your womb.


I’m Rachel.

I help women just like you to reconnect with the sacred wisdom of the earth, moon, and womb.

Working with me is a path back to feminine spirituality—a remembering that our bodies are sacred, our blood is powerful, and our cycles hold infinite wisdom. Rooted in cyclical living, ancestral connection, and earth reverence, this is about living in harmony with the rhythms that shape all life.

When we return to these rhythms, we reclaim our power, heal generational coding, and root ourselves in the sacred cycles of creation, rest, and renewal.

If you’re ready to awaken your feminine psyche & wisdom, dive in and explore my courses, mentorships, and podcast.

Let’s walk this path together.

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