Let’s awaken and unlock it together.

Seeing you connect with your inner-truth, activate your power and craft a life that is enriched by the feminine makes my heart sing.

Let me support you to unravel the threads that block and bind you — and live a richer, meaning-full, soul-full life.

Aligning to the rhythms of the Earth, Moon & Womb.

Rooted & dripping in your feminine energy and wisdom.


Sacred one-off sessions to connect, explore, awaken and clarify.

Whether you’re looking for support to unpack something in particular OR you’re looking for clarity and direction, my signature single sessions are a space to land, ground and unveil answers. This is the place where your intuition is guided to the front of the conversation. No matter where we go, these sessions feel nourishing, wholesome, grounding and oh-so-delicious.

Choose your focus and book your session below.

For those who are seeking clarity, direction or guidance on their soul path.

  • For who are seeking clarity, direction or guidance on their soul path.

    Sessions are tailored to your focus and include an oracle reading and a sprinkle of astrological guidance woven in for good measure.

    This is your session if you seek:

    Clarity around your next steps

    Connection to Intuition

    Identifying blocks and self-sabotage

    Finding simplicity

    Acting upon desires & needs

    Self-worth, self-love & self-ownership

    Unplugging from hustle & productivity

    Crafting a life that feels nourishing, not depletive

    Living within your feminine energy

  • 60 min x online call

    Recording sent to you

    Oracle spread (also sent to you)


For those called to dive deep into their own womb connection & healing.

  • For those called to dive deep into their own womb connection & healing.

    Sessions are tailored to what you most wish to unpack/explore.

    Examples are:

    Practicing a womb-led life

    Clearing stuck emotion and/or conditioning

    Dislodging old patterns of survival

    Ancestral healing

    Healing relationship with body/womb

    Connection to your Truth and Intuition

    Healing menarche story (first menstruation)

    Connecting to sacred menstruation and your blood

    So much more

  • 60 min x online call

    Recording sent to you


For those who seek to align with the power of their menstrual cycle.

  • For those who seek to align with the power of their menstrual cycle.

    Deepen your understanding of your own cyclic blueprint and embrace your inner seasons.

    Sessions are empowering and can help identify and unpack blocks and resistance so that you can live in greater attunement to your inner rhythm and energy.

  • 60 min x online call

    Recording sent to you

    Downloadable cycle blueprint map provided.


Multi-session packages crafted to hold you on your journey.

These packages have been mindfully crafted as a result of witnessing the deep need for space and integration (some threads on the path of feminine healing require time, space and unravelling).

For those who don’t seek 1:1 coaching, but are ready for a rich and sacred space dedicated to connecting, clearing, healing and embodying their feminine.


For those ready to drop into the feminine mysteries and cultivate deep and profound healing.

  • Rites of passage are sacred portals of transition where we step from version of ourselves into another. These pivotal moments in our lives shift us from one phase into our next chapter and iteration.

    The Feminine Rites of Passage hold the keys to understanding how we show up in the world, how we view ourselves (our role, our worth, our expectations) and inform our relationship to the feminine both within us and around us.

    Through unpacking this work with private coaching clients, I’ve come to see just how crucial understanding and healing our rites of passage can be as women. It’s through countless moments of clarity, revelation and re-writing their stories that I’ve seen women reclaim their power and experience ease and expansion. The binds come off.

    The Rites of Passage package is the sacred container that I hold for you to heal your own feminine rites of passage.

  • Within this package we will move through:

    Your birth story – your own birth and entry into this world creates powerful energetic blueprints around how you birth, create and approach life

    Your menarche – your first experience of menstruation is more than just getting your period for the first time. This is the moment a girl shifts into womanhood (and her maiden phase). What you experience (or don’t experience) at this time has a profound influence on how you step into this new ‘role’ and version of yourself. This is when we learn what is expected of us, how to behave and what is acceptable as a ‘Woman’ in this world.

    Your pregnancy & birth story – your passage into Mother has a deep impact on the way we approach motherhood and our understanding of our role as mothers (and women within the world). This is a time when a woman steps more fully into her power and practices it. How you are treated, spoken to, held and encouraged to meet your power and embody it fully during the sacred rite of pregnancy and birth has a direct impact on how connected you are to your power moving forward.

    Each call will be devoted to each of these sacred rites, unless they are non-applicable. In which case we will weave deeper into the wisdom of the other rites of passage.

  • 3 x 2 hour sessions (held fortnightly on zoom)

    3 x downloadable booklets with prompts and questions to connect, unpack and explore your experience of each rite of passage (these are to be explored prior to each call)

    Email support in between calls

    If you are ready to re-weave the stories still held within your unique rites of passage, book below.

  • 3 x 2 hour sessions

    $499AUD (valued at $798)

    Book below beautiful soul.

For those seeking deeper attunement to the earth and rich relationship with this wild, animate world.

  • This package is for you if you yearn to live a more earth-connected life.

    A delicious blend of earth-based spirituality and teachings, tangible steps, rituals and practices and a re-weaving of our approach to life.

    Over 3 intimate 1:1 sessions, we identify what your heart/body/soul is seeking, what are the stories and patterns standing in the way, and how you can begin taking the steps to craft a life that is deeply rooted and connected to the earth and her wild wisdom.

    We’ll explore the wisdom and practices to align with the Wheel of the Year (and following the earth’s seasonal shifts).

    We’ll explore how you can increase your connection & attunement to the earth and deepen your sense of Place & Belonging wherever you find yourself (this is accessible to you whether you live urban or rurally).

    You’ll find your own ‘in’ and uncover the path to your own ever-growing awareness and ever-deepening relationship with the world around you.

    You’ll begin to weave yourself back into the thread of this wild, animate earth.


    As a cyclical living and feminine wisdom coach, I can support you in this work through:

    ⇢ Cyclical living
    ⇢ Seasonal alignment & wisdom
    ⇢ Earth reverence & lifestyle
    ⇢ Learning & aligning with The Wheel of the Year
    ⇢ Practical achievable actions & steps
    ⇢ Sacred ritual and ceremony
    ⇢ Simplicity, rhythm & slow living
    ⇢ Emotional & energetic mending
    ⇢ Unravelling old stories (eg. productivity, un-worthiness, need for control, etc.) and re-learning trust, surrender, softness

  • When we weave ourselves back into fabric of this wild, animate earth, we weave ourselves back into our Belonging.

    It is a Homecoming.

    The shifts that happen when we attune ourselves to the earth and the natural world can be both subtle and significant.

    Our breathing deepens.

    Our senses come online.

    Our rhythm and pace begins to slow and stretch out, rather than ever-push and reach.

    Our nervous systems our nourished and fortified as they learn to drop our of flight or flight and begin to co-regulate with that of the earth (the Great Mother, the original mother).

    Our lives become richer and more sturdy as we become aware of the blueprint and establish anchor points throughout the wheel of the year.

    Our wounds of isolation, rejection or un-worthiness begin to mend, as we re-member that we are woven and held in a web of loving life-force that is greater than we were led to believe.

    Our lives become richer as our awareness is drawn in Presence - we live in harmony with the energy that IS. We are in a state of Being-ness.

    Our minds and bodies soften into trust and move easefully with the ebb & flow of life and the shifting of energies.

    Our capacity to heal generational wounds and patterns increases as we connect to the earth & life in alignment with our wise & well ancestors (those who knew right relationship with the world).

  • 3 x 90 min sessions (held fortnightly on zoom)

    Helpful guides and pdfs if relevant and useful to your specific journey

    Suggested practices, rituals and shifts to integrate

    Email support in between calls

    If you are ready to weave earth magick and wisdom over these 3 powerful sessions together, book below.

  • 3 x 90 min sessions

    $450AUD (valued at $598)

    Book below beautiful soul.


My signature three-month immersion into feminine embodiment and cyclical living.

This is where we truly get to journey and walk the path together.


For those yearning to deep dive and actively craft a life enriched within the feminine and aligned with the cyclical rhythms of the earth, moon and womb.

  • My signature three-month immersion into feminine embodiment and cyclical living.

    The Grounded Feminine Mentorship not just exploring the concepts of feminine energy, but integrating into your life.

    It is the unravelling and re-weaving of threads.

    For those yearning to deep dive and actively craft a life enriched within the feminine.

    This is the space to be drawn deeper into the loving arms and gentle wisdom of the earth, moon and womb.

    This is a home-coming.

    Together, we have the time and space to sit within it, pick at the threads, chew on the bones and integrate all that is revealed.

    We’ll explore:

    Womb wisdom
    Earth connection + wisdom
    Astrology + your personal chart
    Cyclical living (earth, moon + womb)
    Ancestral healing + connection
    Menstrual cycle awareness
    Feminine embodiment practices

    And more…

  • 12 x weeks of intimate audio coaching with me

    Weekly x 1 hour deep dive calls (held fortnightly zoom)

    Ongoing support + resources, practices + rituals, a safe space to unravel and re-weave

    New + Full Moon oracle readings with advice tailored to you and your personal chart

    Discounted access to other offerings and online store

  • 3 month private coaching container


    Note: flexible payment plans of up to 4 months are available with a small additional fee to cover charges.

    If you are ready to step onto the journey together, take the next step below.

    Fill out the application form and I’ll be in touch.